Toe-Up 2-at-a-Time Socks - Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Toe-Up 2-at-a-Time Socks - Melissa Morgan-Oakes
Two at Once on One Circular Needle
Includes 15 New Sock Patterns
THE 2-AT-A-TIME TECHNIQUE changed sock knitting forever, and now that method is back with a smart new toe-up twist. Grab a single circular needle, begin knitting at the toes, and work your way up to a cozy pair of new socks. It's the hottest trend in sock knitting, and you'll love the benefits:
• Never run out of yarn again. As long as the feet are done, you can knit the sock legs as tall or as short as your yarn allows.
• Perfectly sized socks every time. Beginning with the feet allows you to try on your socks as you work.
• Begin two socks at the same time. Finish two socks at the same time.
Knit 15 new designs and then try the technique on any pattern you like!